Friday, February 15, 2008

M2: coverFront 'n' Back

C'est Fini!!
M2 has been completed for a little while, about nine or so months before we left for NC, and have a lot more to share from the next sketchbook. Hope you enjoyed M1 & M2.
Here's the front cover with NotCot's buttons on the strap. A gift from a close friend.

and here's the back. As you can see I collect the Starbucks coffee stickers! Enjoy!

M2: spreadFiftyThree

M2: spreadFiftyTwo

M2: spreadFiftyOne

M2: spreadFifty

M2: spreadFortyNine

M2: spreadFortyEight

M2: spreadFortySeven

M2: spreadFortySix

M2: spreadFortyFive

(the story the girl just told didn't ever happen to me, it just came out that way after I drew her.)

M2: spreadFortyFour

M2: spreadFortyThree

M2: spreadFortyTwo

M2: spreadFortyOne